Who Are We

A commercial and industrial company licensed since 2018 in Türkiye.
With its administrative industrial headquarters in Gaziantep.

We work in the field of producing and packaging nuts, seeds and food for supermarkets, and exporting them to countries around the world with extensive experience in production management and export management.

We combine the cooking culture in Syria and the packaging culture in Turkey

  • Seeking to provide a distinctive product demanded in the markets
  • High quality in taste & packaging
  • Ensuring Consumer satisfaction.
  • A successful trade that continuously evolves.

Everything needs to build a sound base in order to benefit from it. We also believe in the principle that every business relationship is a partnership that brings benefits to both parties.
In our company, we build a correct relationship starting from scratch in terms of product quality – product guarantee – dealing and responding with business partners to reach the goal of satisfying the final customer in terms of product quality, delicious taste and service provided

Our Products

The finest types of nuts, legumes, spices and foodstuffs in Türkiye

Roasted Nuts and Seeds




Top Products

Contact with us

We are happy to serve you in case you want to inquire or contact us